It’s Monday morning, you got up later than you intended, so now you’re rushing. You rushed through your morning devotions. You rushed to get dressed, and now you are rushing down the expressway to make it to work on time. You are feeling frazzled and spiritually disjointed, and you wonder how you will ever make it through the day. You want to flow in the love of Christ, but you know that you are not at your best. So what do you do? Keep reading to discover the 4 things you can do to feed your faith during your morning commute.
Call The Funniest Person You Know
Laughter refreshes your spirit. The Bible says that a “merry heart doeth good like a medicine.” (Proverbs 17:22) So take 5 minutes and call the person who makes you laugh the most. The shared joy will add buoyancy to your spirit and water your parched heart with positivity. A positive frame of mind is the yeast that helps faith rise.
For me, this is either my friend Tammy or my grandfather. They both have the ability to make me laugh uproariously and not take myself so seriously.
Laughter will bring levity to your feeling of depletion, and you will emotionally be in a better place to open your heart to the Faith-Giver.
Listen To A Preaching Podcast
The Bible says that “Faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.”(Romans 10:17) So listening to the word of God expounded through the preached word is a Biblically sound way to feed your faith.
I have a few go-to sites favorited on my pod-cast app that I can easily click one when I am driving. Without fail, the preached word of God plants solid seeds of faith in my heart – even when I’m only able to listen for just a few minutes.
With your spirit lifted in joy and the word firmly planted in your heart, you are ready for the third thing that you can do to feed your faith during your morning commute.
The Bible says to “Put on the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness.” (Isaiah 61:3) For the final stretch of your commute rejoice. Thank God for your car, your job, your nose, your big toe – anything and everything that you can think of. After all, if you didn’t have even one of them, you would feel the loss.
Thank God that you can walk without pain. Thank God that you have gas in your car. Thank God that you had something to eat this morning. Thank God for His Word… His truths…His sovereignty. Thank God for stop lights that help traffic to be organized. Thank God for air conditioning. Thank God for your relationship with Him.
Keep thanking God until you pull into the parking lot at your job. But before you get out of the car, you must do the fourth and final thing.
Ask Forgiveness
Take a few minutes before you step out of your car and into your dayto ask the Lord Jesus to forgive you. Tell Him you are sorry for allowing your day to be so rushed that you didn’t make time with Him enough of a priority. Let Him know that you won’t make rushing a habit. Then walk into your job, knowing that you are in the hands of Him “who is able to keep you from stumbling and to make you stand in the presence of His glory blameless with great joy.” (Jude 1:24
If these 4 things to build your faith on your morning commute helped you,