A New Beginning

Another Monday, another chance for a new beginning. Whatever happened last week is past. Today is a new day. The start of a new week. If you lost your temper last week, you can start off this week determining through prayer to keep your cool. If you overindulged last week, you can choose to exercise more self-control this week. Isn’t God good to grant us the opportunity for a new beginning?


2 Corinthians 5:17 from the Holy Bible:
“Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.”

As sure as the darkness gives way to the morning dawn, and as sure as the ocean washes up on the beach wiping clean the debris, so sure is the Great God of glory to give us a new day and another chance to serve Him.

Let’s Pray:

Heavenly Father, thank-you for loving us and giving us an opportunity to have a new beginning each day, each week. Forgive us of our failures of yesterday. In your mercy, grant us the ability to rely on your strength to help us overcome our weaknesses. In your precious and holy name, Amen.

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