(Well, even though today is Thursday, I did weigh in yesterday and lost 2 pounds. I’ve got my groove back and am walking again on my lunch hour, tracking my food, and not eating after dinner. I give God all the glory for His empowering help.)

I discovered a neat little website called My Virtual Model. After you put in your height, weight, and body shape, it creates a virtual replica of yourself. Then you can shop for real clothes and try it on your model to see what you might look like in it. Sometimes, I enter 30 pounds less than I weigh to see what I’ll look like when I lose 30 pounds. For me, it’s a motivator.

But all of this got me thinking about what my heavenly model might look like to Jesus. Imagine if instead of entering pounds, body shape, or height, there was a website where we could enter in our secret struggles and hidden sins. This imaginary site would be for our eyes and Jesus’ only, but it would create for us a spiritual image of our true selves. Yikes! I fear it might too frightening to behold because the Bible says all have sinned and come short of the glory of God. But it’s an interesting thought isn’t it?

So for today, my question to you is… what does your Virtual Model look like; and, more importantly, what does your Spiritual Model look like?

Self-examination is a very real part of living every day with Jesus. But the really cool thing is that once we realize that are just helpless balls of dirt, God ,in His mercy, doesn’t just leave us in that state feeling hopeless. No, He sends His spirit to us to give us a spiritual makeover.

But, until then, remember Jesus loves you and there is always hope in Him.

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