(It’s funny, but no matter how much time I have in the morning before work, I always seem to be pressing against my ‘getting ready time.’ I think it’s because I like to sit and read my Bible and pray in the quiet of the early morning which is a good thing. But, I lose track of time which is a bad thing. So I said all that to let you know my post will be short today but hopefully still lift you up on this bright and sunny Monday morning.)

My granddaughter, Mikayla, (the one in the red shirt) is 7 years old and has quite a strong-willed personality. She challenges her mother often, and even her dad occasionally, which is no small thing since her dad is a former marine and a real tough cookie.

Her defiance can be over the smallest of things: where she sits in the car, who puts the straw in her juice pouch ,or whether she should put on her socks first or comb her hair. When she’s mad, it’s at the whole world, not just the one who is standing in the way of her wishes. It’s quite comical really. Her face turns red and puffs up like some cartoon character, and she puts her hands on her hips as if to increase the size of her small stature.

Mikayla’s mother (my daughter, Stephanie) for the most part has let Mikayla work through her anger and ignores the red, puffy face thing. But now Mikayla is starting to get mouthy and disrespectful. Of course, this must be addressed. So after many attempts at disciplining Mikayla, reasoning with her, spanking her, making her sit in the quiet chair with no improvement, Stephanie decided to employ the help of her former Sunday School teacher, Sister Debbie.

Stephanie’s old teacher and she have remained friends all these years, and as a matter of fact ‘Sister Debbie’ was very good friends with Stephanie’s real mom, Michelle. Well anyway, Stephanie and Mikayla were visiting Sister Debbie and Mikayla popped off at her mom. So Sister Debbie did what all good Sunday School teachers would do and pulled out her Bible to show Mikayla that Jesus says we must respect our parents.

Well, true to form, Mikayla turned red faced, puffed out her cheeks, put her hands on her hips and arrogantly declared, “THAT’S NOT IN MY BIBLE!”

Evidently, Stephanie and Sister Debbie tried to explain to Mikayla that these truths were in all Bibles, but Mikayla wouldn’t concede. As far as I know, she is still convinced that her Bible has a different set of admonitions.

Funny? Yes. But I wonder how many times as adults we act just like Mikayla? When there is a Biblical truth that makes us uncomfortable, do we internally scream… That’s not in my Bible?

When we are reminded to “love our enemies, do good to those who despitefully use us” do we intellectually dismiss it as not applying to our unique situation? If so, that is the same as saying… That’s not in my Bible…
And of course the list goes on.

So my challenge to you today is to pay attention to the times when God’s instructions grate against your will or desires, and honestly ask yourself if you are unknowingly trying to have your own version of the Holy Writ. Because obeying ALL of scripture is also a very real way of living every day with Jesus and it is the only way to the true hope that Jesus offers.

AN ASIDE: If you have any “that’s not in my Bible experiences” I’d really like to hear about them! Won’t you post for others to read? Or at least email me? Living every day with Jesus affords us the wonderful joy of gaining strength from the body of believers and this is one way we do this!!

God bless you my friend. Thanks for being part of my day!

0 thoughts on “THAT’S NOT IN MY BIBLE!

  1. Connie Arnold says:

    You have adorable grandchildren, Debbie! I enjoyed hearing about Mikayla. She reminds me of my middle grandson, who is very stubborn and gets quite angry about things. Yours is a good challenge to see where we are guilty of something similar, trying to have our own version of what is right. We must seem like stubborn and foolish children so often in our Heavenly Father’s loving eyes!

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