My heart is heavy this morning over the confusion and deception that sin causes.

I spent most of my weekend with people who want to live so contrary to the word of God and yet say that God approves.

It’s kind of scary really. They have somehow mixed up their own version of right and wrong with God’s version and come up with a new and convoluted mantra for their life.

I’ll share just one example:

An acquaintance recently separated from their spouse of 20 years, stepped down from church leadership, and started bar hopping to find a new partner. She found someone, who is still married and cheating on their spouse and now the two of them are playing house.

This person said to me, “Well, now that I have this new person in my life, I will of course introduce them to church because that is what God would want me to do.”

Of course, God wants all people to come to Him; but my heart was filled with sadness as I realized this individual saw nothing scripturally wrong with what they were doing.

Now, I am far from perfect and very well aware of the scripture that says, “let he that is without sin cast the first stone” but it really saddens me that in today’s world black is not always black and white is not always white.

How sad it is when we try to make the scriptures conform to our lifestyles rather than the other way around.

Today, as we get ready to face another week, let’s remember that a vital part of living every day with Jesus is to hold fast the ancient landmarks of the scriptures and let them be the roadmap for our lives.

“For the commandment is a lamp; and the law is light; and reproofs of instruction are the way of life.” –Proverbs 6:23

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