I woke up with the word CONTENTMENT on my mind… I know it was from God because I spent a good chunk of time yesterday being discontent about my job. Not because the job itself is bad – I actually like it – but because I want to be in a job where I’m writing or not have a structured job at all so I can be home writing and/or traveling etc.

But this morning, I realized (again – sometimes God has to reteach me life lessons until I get them solidly in my mind) that my job is really ideal for me. The variety, the different people I meet, the great relationship I have with my boss, the fact that when I come home at the end of the day I can forget about it. It is my nature to strive, and lately I have been working very hard on this – which is actually an oxymoron if you think about it, because working very hard is also a form of striving…

Oh, how God must shake his head at us humans. Today, I want to spend more time thanking God for His many provisions and spend a lot less time grumbling about the circumstances of my life that unsettle me.

“In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.” (I Thessalonians 5:17)

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