
Good Morning My Sweet Readers! I have been thinking of you alot and praying for you. 🙂

Sometimes, I go to my Statcounter link to see what geographical areas those who visit my blog are coming from. I get excited and praise God when I discover that some of you are from Switzerland and Ghana and other far off places. Oh how wonderful our Lord Jesus is to knit us together across the oceans!

I also spend time each morning praying for you! Sometimes it’s a generic, ‘God bless those who read my blog and impart your truth to them today.’ But sometimes it’s much more specific – especially if you’ve left a comment or been a return visitor. Then I thank God profusely for your choosing to visit my blog and I ask God for many wonderful things for you, or I intercede for a need of yours that He might lay on my heart.

That is the most wonderful part about living every day with Jesus. When we are truly keyed into the body of Christ, all be it in our local church or across the internet waves, He moves on us in prayer – and often with ‘groanings which cannot be uttered’ which then skip across the continents to meet the specific needs of each individual prayed for.

So today, as I’m drinking the last drop of my morning coffee and getting ready to rush out the door for work (I rush often don’t I? LOL) I am thanking God immensely that part of living every day with Jesus is enjoying the support and fellowship of wonderful people just like yourself!

I honestly and truly would like to get to know you better. Won’t you leave a comment and extend a virtual hand of friendship to me????

Have a blessed and strengthened day. And may you too feel the joy of living every day with Jesus!

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