Jesus and the Job Search

I’m off work today (yay!) so I didn’t have to get up at my usual 4:45 a.m. (double yay!) which is why I’m posting later than normal. (My apologies to my readers who are used to reading my posts before work.)

Today, I wanted to tell you about my friend Mallory*. She is a single mom in her mid 50’s who has been out of work for a year.

Mallory is smart, attractive, well dressed, personable, a quick study, and has a degree perfectly suited to her career.

Yet, despite her best job search efforts, she’s only been invited to interviews a handful of times in the last 12 months.

Last week, Mallory told me she had an interview for this coming Monday morning. She was happy, but also wary. Afterall, she’d gotten excited before only to be told she didn’t get the job.

Dealing with rejection is a tough aspect of trying to find a job in today’s market.

I was thinking about Mallory the next day as I prepared for my morning prayer. I told the Lord Jesus all about Mallory’s need. I didn’t ask Him to do anything specific, except to help her, and be with her as she went on the interview.

Then I paused for several moments waiting to see if Jesus wanted to give me any additional guidance concerning my friendship with Mallory.

He did. I felt impressed to anoint a handkerchief for Mallory like they did in Acts 19 and pray for her to have renewed confidence and favor with whomever she meets.

The next day, I gave Mallory the anointed handkerchief and explained to her that in Acts 19 pieces of cloth were given to the sick as an act of faith for healing. I told her that the handkerchief itself didn’t have any special powers but that we were demonstrating our faith to God and asking Him to respond.

Although, Mallory is not a believer, but she embraced this concept readily and allowed me to pray for her. I prayed a simple prayer with her and then we hugged and each went our separate ways.

The following Monday, the day of the interview, I called Mallory to wish her well. She excitably told me she now had two interviews and that the handkerchief hadn’t left her side. God had honored our simple act of faith; and, what’s more, Mallory’s faith was growing!

You see, Mallory is not a believer; but, when my friend Jesus told me to offer her the handkerchief and to pray for her, I did. Jesus did the rest.

I’m not sure what the outcomes of Mallory’s interviews will be, but I do it’s sparked in her a faith in Jesus Christ. Something she’d departed from a long, long time ago.

That my friends, it just a glimpse of what life is like when you live every day with Jesus.


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