If you’ve been following my blog you know that on Wednesdays, I post about my weight issues. I started in January of 2010 by posting my wedding picture and proclaiming this was going to be the year that I lost over 100 pounds. Well, here it is 6 months later and I’ve shed only 20 (pounds). But, I have to admit I have grown more in the last 6 months with regards to my self-image and self-awareness than I ever did during my countless other attempts to lose weight – even when I lost 165 pounds 10 years ago.

So what is the difference?


Yep, that’s it, simple unadulterated TRUTH. For the first time in my recollection I am approaching this baggage called excess weight with the rose colored glasses off. I am facing the TRUTH in the following ways:

  • By acknowledging the reality of my girth.
    • Making conscious note of my dress size.
    • Coming to terms with the difficulty of fitting into an airline seat or a booth at a restaurant.
  • By examening what is driving my overeating.
    • Is it anxiety?
    • Fear?
    • Childhood Trauma?
    • Or am I just undisciplined and enjoy indulging?
  • By weighing myself and coming to terms with the number on the scale. (Geneen Roth and others do not recommend this, but for me it is keeping me from deception)
  • by sharing my struggle with others.
    • With YOU my reader.
    • With a few close friends.
    • With my family.

I believe that by consistently facing the above truths the stranglehold of obesity will one day lose it’s hold on me.

Geneen Roth, in her book Women, Food and God says:

Truth, not force, does the work of ending compulsive eating.”

Of course, she’s right because the Bible, our ultimate book of validity, says:

“And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.” (John 8:32)

So for today and in the days to come, I continue to press on towards truth knowing that ultimately it will make me free!

0 thoughts on “WEDNESDAY WEIGH-IN: Truth

  1. Rachel Gilmore says:

    Debbie, you can see the transformation already in your face and in your smile! Keep pressing on to the Truth. I recently lost 50 pounds and it is a total God thing. For years “I” struggled to “control” my weight. When I finally gave the whole thing over to God, it literally melted off, and is still coming off. Giving it over to God meant that I finally was working to treat my body like the spiritual house God deserved and looking at all of my sin related to that (for me gluttony, sloth and avarice were all wrapped up in that). Anyway, may God continue to be with you as you work to not be conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind (and body) so you can discern what is the will of God, what is good and pleasing and perfect (Romans 12:2). Way to go! ~Rachel Gilmore

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