Monday Musings: WHAT’S YOUR DREAM?

It’s a Monday morning and very soon I will be rushing around to get ready for work. (I always do this to myself – the last minute rushing) I get up at 4:45 a.m. so I can veg out, drink my coffee, read my Bible and pray. Having this quiet solitude before the demands of the day grounds me and helps me to maintain my peace as I get bombarded with the stresses of my work week.

This morning I was thinking a lot about my weekend and the time I spent with the women of the Maranatha Bible Church. Sharing my heart with women, praying with them and encouraging them has always been my dream. So, I’m still reveling in Saturday’s experience kinda like a kid who finally gets to go to Great America after a long wait.

Ever since I can remember, I wanted to be a writer, to walk into a book store and see a book I’d written on the shelves. I even love the smell of fresh paper and musty books – it’s weird I know. But for me, this is what I was created to do. God obviously planted this desire in me because it consumes a lot of my waking moments.

So my question to you this morning is: What is your Dream? What consumes your thoughts? If you could do anything you wanted – what would it be? Think about your giftings, what you enjoy doing, your passions and begin now to offer them all to the Lord Jesus. Then stand back and watch how He begins to unfold your personal dreams for His glory!

“For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the LORD, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope.” (Jeremiah 29:11)



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