“Key Generation”

“I am the Living One; I was dead, and behold I am alive for ever and ever! And I hold the keys of death and Hades.” Revelation 1:18

Has anyone noticed that key mania is sweeping our jewelry counters, fashion magazines and TV commercials? This is not a key fetish criticism. In my jewelry box I have few of my own. So I took this picture of my little key collection as evidence. There must be something fascinating about keys. Often times, a key is a sign of trust, love, wisdom and commitment. For example, my neighbor entrusts her keys to me when she is away so I can feed her cat. With this key to her apartment, I feel like she has given me a gold medal for trustworthiness, and for that I am exceedingly grateful. Sometimes lovers exchange their keys as a sign of commitment and love. Parents give their car keys to teenagers, and then pray to God that they don’t crash.

I must admit my “Key Generation” title sounds odd even to me, so I searched for this phrase online and found out from Wikipedia that “Key generation is the process of generating keys for cryptography. A key is used to encrypt and decrypt whatever data is being encrypted/decrypted.” This made me leave my title as it is. Aren’t we struggling to understand how and why human beings are created? Philosophers are searching for the Key that unlocks the knowledge of Universe; poets lament of the lost key; scientists and religious leaders are trying to break the code of life for centuries. Nowadays we are more drawn to the key symbology than ever before.

But I really believe only God has a key, and He has already given us its copy – Holy Bible. “I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven; whatever you bind on earth will be bound.”

0 thoughts on ““Key Generation”

  1. Debbie Simler-Goff says:

    Vlatka, I love this post! It gets my mind thinking about all kinds of keys and the various doors they unlock! I believe each person has a key to their heart and then more keys to the many chambers inside their heart. When we come to Christ, we in effect give him the key to our heart – meaning full access. But sometimes, we withold the other smaller keys to say a ‘chamber of bitterness’ or something. For me, the more I grow in Christ, the more willing I am to relinquish those smaller keys to all the hidden chambers of my heart. 🙂

    Keep writing and taking pictures Vlatka. You are gifted!

  2. Vlatka says:

    Debbie, that is another great way to look at it. If we give our keys to Jesus, He is more than willing to give us His keys of kingdom in Heaven. I am glad it made you think, because with my writing I want to make people think and question everything, because that is how I came to know Christ.

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