Soul Spa

This post is part of the SOUL SPA BLOG TOURof which I am part. If you LEAVE A COMMENT, you will automatically be entered into a drawing TO WINa free copy of my friend Sharla Fritz’s new book called Soul Spa. So read on, and whatever you do, be sure to LEAVE A COMMENT!

How did you take care of yourself today? Did you eatyogurt and fruit for breakfast for the probiotics and antioxidants?Did you run a couple of miles to keep your heart in shape? Did you get seven or more hours of sleep? Maybe you did all of those things (or something like them) to take care of your body.

But how did you care for your soul? Maybe you didn’t even think about that part of you. After all, our stomachs growl when they’re hungry, our eyelids droop when we’re tired, our muscles get stiff if we sit too long. Our bodies demand attention.

But the soul? The soul keeps quiet. It doesn’t scream in pain or announce a problem with a 102 degree fever. We may neglect the soul for a long time before it demands attention. -Sharla Fritz, Soul Spa

It’s so very true. All too often we neglect the care and well-being of our soul; and, quite honestly, we don’t realize how much we’ve really allowed our soul to become weakened until we hit a crisis and wonder where our faith went.

I’ve done it. You’ve done it. We all have done it. We slide by on fast and short prayers and tell ourselves we will make it up later…. Only later never comes, or it comes in the form of desperate prayers when a crisis hits our life.

Oh, if we’d only had regular Soul Spa visits with our Lord.

My Personal Soul Spa Story

Often, on New Years, I go away to a hotel or lodge and spend the night with the Lord. It is a time to reflect on the year that has passed and seek God’s guidance for the year to come.

The first part of my time away is spent re-reading my journal entries from the past year. I am always amazed at the way my journal reveals my heart. My journal normally reveals the character weakness I struggled most with that year. One year, it was over-sensitivity. Another year, it was anger. Other years there were weaknesses that are too personal to mention. But every year, it amazed me how many times I vented to God about the same basic frustration and how every year he helped me grow.

I remember one year in particular. Money was tight, and I almost wasn’t going to be able to get away. But finally I settled on just a simple hotel room in a town nearby. When I went to go check in, the clerk asked me if I wanted to upgrade to the honeymoon suite. I laughed and said, “No thank-you.”

I will never forget what happened next.

The hotel clerk looked at me, smiled, and said, “I didn’t ask you if wanted to pay for an upgrade; I just asked you if you wanted to stay in the honeymoon suite.”

I was given the largest hotel room I have ever seen, complete with a full-on Jacuzzi. All for the regular room rate of $48.

My heavenly husbandman swept me off my feet that night. The overwhelming sense of His love and provision ministered to me in ways that I cannot fully explain.

What about you?

What Soul Spa times have you had?

What Soul Spa times would you like to have?

Leave a comment for a chance to win a free copy of Soul Spa and let’s talk about it.

How to connect with Sharla:

Sharla Fritz Facebook:


Soul Spa: 40 Days of Spiritual Renewal is available at and Amazon.

0 thoughts on “Soul Spa

  1. Paul says:

    I guess my special soul moment with God!
    Was when I was driving down the street and God called me by name. It wasn’t just once but he called my name twice it really got my attention. I’m not anybody great but it sure was nice to hear God’s voice. Anytime I get close to that intersection ,or close to that spot I feel the presence of God. Just to know God loves me that much to call me by name.

  2. Tammy says:

    Love this article and your example of the hotel room that the Lord gave you to be with Him. Mine is probably when I go through my journals as well, b/c it always builds my faith as I am reminded about miracles, signs and wonders Jesus has done for me that I let drift from my memory. It helps my faith to soar once again as I get to read my own story written in my own words of His Hands guiding me.

  3. Debbie says:

    Thank-you Paul and Tammy for sharing. Truly those special moments with God mean so very much. We will let you know who wins the Soul Spa book. Blessings!

  4. Debbie says:

    I have had faith for over 40 years. One of my greatest moments with God was when my mom had a stoke about 36 years ago. I was 19. My mom was in a coma for 4 weeks and we were told she was not going to make it. My brother was crying so hard, I told him lets go outside and pray together. I remember taking his hands and praying out loud at Sherman Hospital. My brother left to go home and I went back up to moms room. Within a couple minutes, I saw my mom was opening her eyes. I am blessed that God heard us that day. My mom will be turning 75 this year. She had her stroke 36 years ago. I have to say that is one of the greatest miracles God has given me and my family.

    • Debbie says:

      Wow Debbie, thank-you so much for sharing your Soul Spa story!! What an amazing God we serve!! And what an amazing faith you had that day with your brother. I am so happy for you and your mom… for your whole family!! Be blessed!

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