Progress Not Perfection

I struggled with my food this past week because of Mother’s Day celebrations etc. So when I weighed in this morning, my expectations were very low. I was hoping to just not have a huge gain – and thankfully I didn’t! I only gained 3 tenths of a pound. But I was happy with this because I knew what kind of week I’d had.

Being satisfied with a gain is a new experience for me. I really am learning to embrace that old mantra – PROGRESS NOT PERFECTION. This approach is working for me because I’m making lifestyle changes instead of dieting. For Example:

  • I’m learning if I eat too much or don’t exercise one day, then the next day I need to eat less and exercise extra hard. This strategy works for me and keeps me from giving up when I mess up. It allows me some room to just relax and live.
  • I’m learning that celebrations and rewards are important. I’ve started treating myself to certain food indulgences after my weigh in for that one day only. Like today I went out for coffee with my friend and ordered a Hot Fudge Sundae. It came in a tall sundae glass with whip cream, nuts and a cherry on top! I felt special and like I was really having a treat. But I only ate about 1/4 of it. That was all I needed to eat to feel like I’d celebrated. And trust me, this is a huge step for me. Geneen Roth , noted author on emotional eating talks about this concept alot in her books and lectures.

I think the PROGRESS NOT PERFECTION approach must’ve been what Jesus had in mind for the human race. After all, He talked many times about forgiveness and mercy and human frailty. Consider just a few of the following scriptures:

“Like as a father pitieth his children, so the LORD pitieth them that fear him… For he knoweth our frame; he remembereth that we are dust.” (Psalm 103:13-14)

“Watch ye and pray, lest ye enter into temptation. The spirit truly is ready, but the flesh is weak.” (Mark 14:38)

So whatever you might be facing today or trying to change about yourself, please remember it’s all about PROGRESS (how many forward steps did you take today?) and it’s not at all about PERFECTION.

UNperfectly Yours,


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