Dwelling In Truth

Every Wednesday, I weigh myself on the special scale for obese people that is in the Emergency Room at the hospital where I work. Just the action of walking in there in front of the ER staff and telling them I need to use their special scale is an act of faith. By doing so, I am facing a painful truth: I am obese. And I’m not just obese, I’m morbidly obese. My body fat percentage is like 50.

But please don’t feel sorry for me. My purpose in sharing this isn’t for sympathy, or even for encouragement (although a pat on the back is always nice). No, I share this to put a face on an important Biblical truth:
“Ye shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free.” (John 8:32)

Jesus spoke these words to the Jews who believed on Him. He speaks the same words to us today. While it’s true Jesus was speaking of the gospel message, I believe knowing and more importantly facing the truth in our struggles is a key part to freedom.

It is for me anyway.

So today, like every Wednesday, I face the truth of my body size. Some weeks, I’m happy because there’s a loss – like today I lost 2.4 pounds – but some weeks I’m sad because my weight stayed the same, or I gained. But always, I can rejoice because I’m facing truth head on and Jesus said that’s what really matters!

0 thoughts on “Dwelling In Truth

  1. Vlatka says:

    Debbie, you are a living testimony to so many who are struggling with losing weight. There are different weights that each and one of us are carrying on our back and bones ache. Jesus carried a heavy chunk of wood to let us know that His burden is light. I am so proud of you how open and determined you are. You have the best prescription called Jesus 24h/d 🙂

  2. karen says:

    Hang in Debbie….I know you will do it for good this time……I just know it. Be sure to know that daddy and I both love you no matter what size you are. You are a great gal and very proud of you always. I will pray for you as I always do…..hugs and lots of love….mom and daddy

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