I’m still toying around with what I want this blog to totally be about. For now, I’m going to try to post 3x a week. ( I know it’s not much in terms of serious bloggers, but it’s the best I can do at the moment) So Mondays will be mostly musings about work, and Wednesdays will be about my goal to lose over a 100 pounds… but what about Saturdays?

I think I shall call my Saturday posts unofficially Saturday Snippets as in anything goes!

So today I feel like sharing my struggle with forgiveness and accepting someone as a FACEBOOK FRIEND. She’s someone who wounded me severely a very long time ago, and although I feel like I’ve forgiven and let it go, I don’t necessarily want her to be my FACEBOOK FRIEND.

But she keeps sending me a friend’s request. The first time she sent it, I ignored it for 2 weeks, prayed and wrestled with what to do, and ultimately hit the ignore button. I felt justified in this decision because she had shown herself to me in the past a wolf in sheep’s clothing so why would I want to let a known wolf back into my safe zone?

I had forgotten about doing this and moved on. But this morning, I got another Friend Request from her. I rolled the mouse over the the Ignore Button but did’t click it. So it’s just hanging there waiting for me to respond.

Does my wanting to deny a former enemy access to my Facebook world make me less Christ-like? I honestly don’t know. These are the kinds of questions I make myself nuts with! I so want to please Christ in all that I do, yet I don’t want to be a doormat either. I don’t think Christ expects us to be trampled on. But He does clearly tell us to love our enemies and do good to those who despitefully use us. But does that mean we have to have them over for dinner? I don’t know. I’m still trying to sort this one out.

So, my precious readers, what do you think? What would you do? I guess more importantly, what would Jesus do?


  1. Shasta says:

    When Peter asked, “how often must I forgive . . . you know the story. The only way to know if a person changed is to give them a chance. If they did change, great! If not and they try and hurt you again, give it to Jesus and hit the block button. Jesuse will know you have done the right thing by trying.

  2. Pingback: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ijxX1QTl5V0

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