Monday Musings

Well, it’s the start of another week, and although I had a glorious weekend, I’m definitely feeling a little fuzzy this morning. Mondays offer the chance for new beginnings and fresh starts. So why are they often associated with dread and an extra cup of coffee?

It could be facing the weight of the week’s responsibilities, or it could be tiredness from the weekend. For me. more often than not, it’s flipping that imaginary switch in my brain from weekend mode to work mode.

So my prayer this morning is: “God, please transition my mind, heart, will and emotions to my responsibilities at work. Empower me to be an employee that you can be proud of. Remind me moment by moment that your holy word says ‘I am an epistle, known and read of all men.’(2 Corinthians 3:4) So the reality is that I am always on display as your representative.

Please Lord, protect my witness, infuse me with your joy, and help me to project your love no matter how fuzzy my brain may feel. In Jesus name. Amen.

So now, I’m going to make myself a nice warm cup of green tea and get cracking because ‘this is the day that the Lord hath made and I will rejoice and be glad in it!’

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