Random Thoughts

Lately, my creative energy has been all over the map.

I am a writer and have been challenged recently as to where I should focus my talents. I have also been contemplating what kind of relationship I want with the World Wide Web. In particular, you or anyone like you who cares to read what I think.

Some in the writing field say to “build a platform.” Their theory is to make everything you do online about your particular book project or writing topics. I tried this, and it wasn’t fulfilling.

Yes, I have certain projects I’m working on, but I basically write whatever God lays on my heart. Besides, I’m much more interested in building relationships with others than in promoting my platform.

Consequently, today I deleted my other platform based blogs (they weren’t getting me anywhere anyway) and decided to just be me. I will post as God leads and enjoy the journey.

Thanks for listening. I do hope I am able to offer something of interest to you and that you’ll visit often and leave your thoughts. www.dsimlergoff.com

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