My Apostolic Life

My Apostolic Life is a series of posts that offer a glimpse into my life as an Apostolic Christian. My hope is that the these posts will prompt you to want to know more. To see for yourself the beauty and incredible joy that is found by embracing the Apostolic Lifestyle, and by receiving the Apostolic Experience that first occurred on the Day of Pentecost some 2000 years ago.

So come along with me as I travel to Effingham, Illinois for the Annual Illinois District Ladies Retreat…

I had not been to the Illinois District Ladies Retreat in many years, and quite frankly, it wasn’t even on my radar for this year. But then someone mentioned to me that it was coming up, and I felt a quickening in my spirit to attend. So even though it was less than two weeks away, and I was sure that all the hotel rooms would be booked, I whispered a prayer to God saying something like, “If you are in this, please let me find a hotel room.”

Ladies Retreat Blessing #1

And just like that, God gave me hotel room. And not just any room, but a suite, for a great rate, and all to myself.

I never cease to be amazed at how God works. I simply told my Heavenly Father that I felt like He was telling me to do something, but that of course I couldn’t do what He was asking unless He provided the means, and voila God provided!

It’s funny, how little we think God knows at times, and how much we humor ourselves into thinking that we are informing Him of something. When in reality, He knows the end from the beginning, and orders our every step.

“Be not ye therefore like unto them: for your Father knoweth what things ye have need of, before ye ask him.”(Matthew 6:8)

Ladies Retreat Blessing #2

Once I knew I had a hotel room, I assumed that my daughter would be able to go with me. After all, the Lord knows that I am not one to travel alone. And He also knows that she is one of my favorite travel buddies, so after being on a high about the hotel room, I was certain God’s next provision for me was to make sure that my daughter could get a babysitter for the weekend so she could go to retreat with me.

But she couldn’t get a sitter… so she couldn’t go.

I was bummed, and quite frankly stumped. Hadn’t the Lord impressed me to go?Hadn’t He miraculously provided a hotel room for me?Why then didn’t everything just fall into the order I wanted it to?

And therein is the key: “the way I wanted it to…Looking back, I realize I was trying to orchestrate my own blessing.

It’s funny isn’t it? God starts providing for us, and we jump in and try to tell Him just how we think He needs to unfold our blessings.

“So do not worry about tomorrow; for tomorrow will care for itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.” (Matthew 6:34)

I was very disappointed that my daughter couldn’t go, but then I found out my friend Tamara was planning on driving to the retreat by herself, so we decided to ride together.

Riding with my friend Tamara was a tremendous blessing. We had so much fun talking and sharing during our 7 hour round trip drive. Truly, God had prepared in advance for me to be exceedingly blessed and refreshed by my dear friend.

Me and Sister Beardsely My Friend Tamara

“As iron sharpens iron, so a friend sharpens a friend.” (Proverbs 27:17)

Ladies Retreat Blessing #3

Since God had impressed me to attend the retreat, I was confident that He had something special for me.

Was there a message that was going to be preached that He wanted me to hear? Was there someone that was going to be there that He wanted me to connect with?

He had already ministered to me through my friend Tamara, so even if nothing else significant took place, I felt good about obeying God’s holy unction to be there.

But somehow, I felt like He had more for me. So like a child at Christmas who opens their first present, I was happy, but anxious to see if my loving Father had even more surprises for me. And so with a heart full of anticipation I entered the Effingham Performance Center.

I was a little nervous at first because I didn’t know a lot of people, and my friend Tamara hadn’t made it to the convention center from her hotel yet, so I was alone. But as I walked around and took in my surroundings, I noticed a young woman by the Missionary Kids booth that looked familiar to me. I didn’t know her personally, but we had mutual friends who are missionaries to Ghana that had talked a great deal about her, and had shown me her picture.

They told me that she was an incredible writer. For years, I had heard about her, but had never met her. And there she was right in front of me: Melinda Poitras. I introduced myself to her, and we chatted a bit about our mutual friends, and her writing endeavors.

As our conversation came to a close, I felt the Holy Spirit’s sweet affirmation that Melinda was a connection God wanted me to make. Melinda had such a beauty of spirit, and she is living the writing life. These are qualities that I admire. We chatted a few more times during the course of the retreat, and promised stay in touch. I am so thrilled to have a new writing friend, that loves the Apostolic message as much as I do!

And later, as I was reflecting on the weekend, and formulating this post, God reminded me that I had been praying for God to provide me with an Apostolic writing friend. Truly… God is amazing!

Debbie's Cell Phone Fall 2015 077 Melinda and Me

But God had even more blessings planned for me…

Ladies Retreat Blessing #4

My 4th blessing came in the form of reconnecting with old friends. Since I hadn’t been to the retreat in many years, I had lost touch with friends.

One such lost connection, was Ginger Labat, the Section 12 Ladies Leader. I have known Ginger, for at least 20 years, and yet I am embarrassed to say I didn’t even realize that she was my section’s Ladies Leader.We spoke briefly as I was checking in at the retreat, and she told me that  she is well. Her daughters are well. And that her daughter Brielle was one of the speakers at the retreat. And her and her other daughter, Ashlyn, had just been interviewed by Today’s Christian Girl. I was excited for her… and was at the same time sad. Excited for her kingdom accomplishments, and sad that I hadn’t been aware of all that God was doing in her life.

God spoke to me through this awareness of how out touch I’d been, not just with Ginger, but with several others who were part of my past. My bridesmaids, my former Sunday School teacher, my childhood friends, and others.

Granted, one cannot possibly maintain all friendships, and all acquaintances. And truthfully, one cannot even maintain every relationship that has meaning. But maybe these retreats, and the periodic conferences, and sectional services are more than just a time of spiritual togetherness. Maybe they are also a time to re-connect. To maintain a relational link to those who have been part of our life’s path.

Another re-connection I made was with Brenda Rogers, whose husband is the pastor of Apostolic Life Church in Champaign-Urbana. Every week they have services in five different languages, and they have an incredible residential program to help addicts called Life-Line Connect. We have been friends since my husband and I had a home missions work some 15 years ago. At the time, Brother Rogers was the Home Mission’s Director for Illinois.

Sister Rogers and I don’t talk often, but when we do, we seem to be able to pick up where we left off. We had a great conversation, and shared with each other our current ministry passions, and prayer needs.I felt like God had given me a great big hug after my chat with Sister Rogers. Truly, she was a God sent connection for me!

Sister Brenda Rogers Sister Brenda Rogers

Ladies Retreat Blessing #5

And of course the services themselves were so uplifting and spirit growing. All the speakers were good, but my personal favorite was Sister Rachel Coltharp, the Illinois District Ladies President. Her message on Saturday morning resonated deep in my spirit. Here are just a few of my favorite Sister Coltharp Tweetables:

Letting the Lord direct your steps is an exciting way to live. And truly He took me on an exciting journey to Effingham and showed me much about myself, about my fellow sisters in the Lord, and about the sovereignty and might of our Almighty God.

What about you? What step-ordering events have happened in your life this year? Leave a comment, and tell us about it.

6 thoughts on “My Apostolic Life

  1. Stefania says:

    Love this post! I’m not at all familiar with the Illinois district ladies retreat, but it definitely sounds amazing and sounds like it was a big blessing!!! There is just something so special about when ladies come together and minister to one another. 🙂

  2. Susan Kosinski says:

    I always think that it is a good thing that I can add and subtract when I go to post on here, lol, but this time it would not let me on saying that I had the wrong value for 5-4=1. Hmmm that new math is showing up everywhere these days!!!
    When you say ordered steps, I know that order is the thing that I need to find in my life. Order makes me think of lists and organization of which I have none. I know that God has things in order for me though, and I going to give it to him to help me get more order. In Jesus name…

  3. Tamra Beardsley says:

    Enjoyed your article. I’m so glad that we were able to spend some time together:). Surely it is true that “The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord, And He delights in his way.” It was wonderful that you followed the prompting of the Holy Ghost. He has a purpose for our lives, not only to bless us, but for us to be a blessing as well. Im sure you gave back to others as much as you received at the confrence. You kindness, friendship, love for God and worship are truly inspiring. You my friend, are a blessing to many!!

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