Why are you here?

What is your purpose?

Everything in life was created with a specific purpose.When our inventor -the Creator- set out to make something, He had a specific purpose in mind.

-Edison created the lightbulb to illuminate a room.

-Ford created the Model-T to enable people to travel faster.

-Dr. Vanghetti created the first artificial limb.

-Alexander Fleming was the first to discover penecillin.

It stands to reason that the Creator of the Universe, our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, had a specific idea in mind when He knit you together in your mother’s womb. (Psalm 139:13)

But WHAT IS God’s plan for you ?

Why do you have the interests and gifts you do?

What part of God’s cosmic plan did are you supposed to fulfill?

Rick Warren addressed this topic in the 90’s with a very popular book calledThe Purpose Driven Life, and not long ago, a movie calledHugohinted at our purpose as well. I particularly liked this line:

“Life is like a machine, there areno unnecessary parts, every part has a purpose just like in a clock; therefore, I have a purpose and so do you in this life.”

-Quote from the movie HUGO

Personally, I think that the more we learn and grow in God the more He reveals to us the very specific, detailed plan He has for our lives. While in the process of discovering ourselves and God’s incredible plan for our life’s purpose, there are many general purpose goals we all can strive for as being part of the Christian community. I like the way this poem kinda sums it up:


by Henrietta Heron

To be a little kinder

With the passing of each day;

to leave but happy memories

As I go along my way;

To use possessions that are mine

In service full and free;

To sacrifice the trivial things

For larger good to be,

To give of love in lavish way

That friendship true may live;

To be less quick to criticize,

More ready to forgive,

To use such talents as I have

That happiness may grow;

To take the bitter with the sweet,

Assured ’tis better so;

To be quite free from self-intent

Whate’er the task I do,

To help the world’s faith stronger grow,

In all that’s good and true;

To keep my faith in God and right

No matter how things run,

To work and play and pray and trust

Until the journey’s done,

God grant me the strength of heart,

Of motive and of will,

To do my part and falter not

His purpose to fulfill.

I’d really like to discuss this with all of you. Please share what you have learned about your own life’s purpose and what you’d like to learn and/or know.

It’s interesting that I can look back on my life and see key things that happened in my childhood or young adulthood that are playing a significant role in my life now.

How about you?

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