Despite frightening news headlines, mask mandates, and the government’s increasing discrimination against the Christian worldview, believers can abide in God’s supernatural joy. Not the giddy, circumstanial joy that is felt when something good happens. Rather, the deep, joyful calm that flows from those that are in love with Jesus. Do you need more joy? Here are 3 ways to abide in God’s supernatural joy.
Break forth into joy, sing together, ye waste places of Jerusalem: for the Lord hath comforted his people, he hath redeemed Jerusalem. – Isaiah 52:9
1. Determine To Respond in Joy
Determine to respond in joy. This does not mean to laugh inappropiately when receiving devestating news. Nor does it mean, to offer a light-hearted response to a friend’s painful circumstances. But it does mean to choose to respond with a joy-based confidence that God has all things in control.
Author Rick Renner describes this type of joy in his book Sparkling Gems from the Greek:
As we flew that day to an encounter with evil that is forever etched in my memory, my staff commented on how joyful I was in the midst of this potentially devastating situation. I must admit that even I was amazed at the joy that exuded from deep inside me that day. I knew that the joy I felt was being produced by the Holy Spirit, for only the Holy Spirit could give such joy in a situation as difficult as the one that I was facing that day.
Curious believers should note that determining joy, is Biblical. There are many scriptures that require a determined action in order for joy to flow freely. For example, believers are told to bring the sacrifices of joy (Psalm 27:6), to break forth into joy (Isaiah 52:9 ), to shout for joy, to leap for joy, to pray for joy, and to sing for joy, In fact, of the 165 Biblical references to joy, approximately 40 of them require some kind of action.
2. Love&Obey God
The more we love God, the more readily we trust. And the more we trust, the easier it is for our joy to become full and grow in maturity. The best example of this is a baby that sleeps undisturbed in his mother’s arms. Even in a raging storm, the baby feels safe and does not stir.
Jesus spoke about this type of abiding joy in John 15:
If ye keep my commandments, ye shall abide in my love; even as I have kept my Father’s commandments, and abide in his love. These things have I spoken unto you, that my joy might remain in you, and that your joy might be full.
Loving God and holding fast to his commandments deepens the well of joy within us. And the deeper our well, the more reserve we have to draw from during difficult times.
3. Choose Your Words Wisely
Proverbs 15:23 says “A man hath joy by the answer of his mouth.” In other words, what we say frames our atmosphere. Be aware of your words. How do they contribute or take away from your joy? Do they enhance or diminish your joy? Do they leave you with a joyful outlook, or a depressed outlook?
For example, if you hear an upsetting news report, do you retweet, post, or comment on the negativite aspects? Or do you ponder and pray about how to share in a way that gives God glory? The better choice might be to stay away from an overwhelming amount of negative news reports. But, if you live in the Chicago area like I do, and you just heard that the murder rate is at an all time high, you might say something like, ‘I just heard that the Chicago murder rate is at it’s highest, I am going to pray right now for those families. Anyone care to join me?”
In conclusion, 3 ways to abide in God’s supernatural joy is to determine, love, and choose. Determine to respond in joy. Love God and obey Him. And choose your words carefully. Make these 3 ways part of your spiritual disciplines and you will build your faith and sustain your joy!
“Heavenly Father, forgive us for letting go of our joy in the midst of trials. You came that we might have life, and have it to the full. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, we leave discouragement, sadness, and despair at the foot of the cross. Cleanse us Lord. Help us. We are frail balls of dirt who struggle. By the power of Your Spirit, fill us now with your joy. Grant us your hope. Flood our minds with thoughts of you and your graciousness. In Jesus Name, Amen.”
Holy Ghost Infilling
If you have not experienced the wonderful book of Acts experience, view this video for more information.