Love Notes

Do you remember your first crush?

Those all too common grade school notes that said “I love you, do you love me…yes or no?”

Although I’d had a few grade school crushes, the one that is imbedded in my memory is when I was in high school.

His name was David.

In my 14-year-old mind, he looked like Elvis Presley.

I swooned every time he walked by.

I wrote ‘Mrs. David __________” over and over again all over my spiral notebooks.

I begged someone who knew him well to get me one of his school pictures.

All during my high school years, David was the object of my affection, although I don’t think he ever understood how infatuated I really was with him.

Oh, I dated other guys, even went steady with some of them. But none of them ignited my heart like David.

My heart was set on him…just as Jesus Christ’s heart is set on us.

Jesus Christ has a crush on you that is way more than the strongest childhood crush you’ve ever experienced.

He also sends you love notes.

Consider what it says in the Holy Bible in Jeremiah 31:3:

“The LORD hath appeared of old unto me, saying, Yea, I have loved thee with an everlasting love: therefore with lovingkindness have I drawn thee.”

In Hebrews 13:5, also in the Holy Bible:

em>”…for he hath said, I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee.”

According to the Holy Bible, Jesus Christ knows how many hairs you have on your head, He’s written your name in the palm of His hand, and He’s watched over you since you were a speck in your mother’s womb.

If that’s not love, I don’t know what is.

But, just as the object of my childhood affection ignored my advances, you also can choose to ignore Jesus.

The choice is yours.

Jesus Christ, in all His might and power, could force us to love Him. But then that wouldn’t really be love would it?

Instead, He watches you and sends you love messages through the Holy Bible, through others around you, and perhaps even through this blog.

Then He waits longingly for you to respond. To notice His advances. To seek out a relationship with Him.


Because Jesus Christ loves you completely, totally, and unconditionally.

His love is the most incredible benefit of living every day with Jesus.

Once you enter into a love relationship with Jesus Christ, your whole life will change.

Joy and peace will be in your heart.

Even when hard times come, you will have a deep sense of never being alone because Jesus is watching over you.

How will you respond?

(Please leave a comment and share with others ways that Jesus Christ has sent you love messages)

0 thoughts on “Love Notes

  1. stefpinto1 says:

    Just when we believe that our lives are falling apart and nobody understands, rest assure! Jesus understands your problem more than you do! He knows the root of the problem, and exactly what it will take to fix it, even if it’s not quite what you had in mind. His love is so unconditional, nobody in this life time will ever love us like Him. I’m so thankful for His word.

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