Imagine If

Imagine if Jesus had complete control of your workplace today.

You would anticipate what new and exciting miracles Jesus was going to perform this week.

You would walk with a spring in your step and a gleam in your eye because your great, big God was handling every potential problem.

If Jesus was in absolute control of where you work, employees would be so busy helping each other to excel that your companies productivity would skyrocket.

And if Jesus was in control you would be more concerned about your co-worker getting the accolades and promotions than you would about yourself.

There would be joy in servitude.

There would be peace and harmony.

Stress would be a thing of the past.

Integrity and fairness would reign.

Sick days would all but disappear.

Managers would recognize a job well done.

Transparency and trust would so permeate the hearts and minds of men and women that the local newspapers would want to investigate the source of such harmony and wellbeing.

If Jesus could have His way today.

History provides great examples of what happens when great men and women of God prayed until their communities were shaken.

Men like Johnathan Edwards, who preached “Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God” and sparked a huge revival, or George Whitfield, who prayed until he shook under the power of God or the great Welsh Revival where 180,000 men came to God over a two-year period.

All of this is still possible today!

If we will but pray and allow Jesus to flow through us to those around us, then our jobs can be transformed.

Peace, joy, and love can be the order of the day – every day.

If we will but pray.

We must pray earnestly, fervently, and consistently.

If we will, then God will answer in ways that we can only imagine.

“If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.” (2 Chronicles 7:14)

How can I pray for your workplace today?

What are the most pressing needs?

What is the corporate climate?

What human ways of thinking need to be saturated with the love of God?

Post a comment and let’s pray about this together.

Or, if you prefer, email me directly at

Let’s make 2011 the year we imagined together for revival and transformation in our workplace!

– Debbie

0 thoughts on “Imagine If

  1. Marcus Goodyear says:

    We just don’t pray about work often enough. I still remember the first time I prayed intentionally about work. I was an English teacher, and the school librarian was in a fight with the English department. (Strange, no?)

    Things got so ugly, I started to pray about it. At first, I prayed for God to smite my enemies, but that didn’t feel right. I didn’t want to smite the librarian, I wanted him to stop being my enemy.

    That changed my prayers until I found myself asking God to help the librarian. It sounds a bit self-righteous to share it, but praying for my coworkers always helps me remember that we are all in this world together, on the same field, playing at the same level, just children, really.

  2. Debbie Simler-Goff says:

    Awesome story Marcus! Thanks so much for being willing to share this with all of us. And kudos to you for taking the whole thing to prayer!

    It is so true, whenever I really pray about issues at work things improve tremendously – especially in my attitude.

    Earlier this year, I started taking my complaints to God first before venting to anyone else. Doing this put things into such perspective. Imagine telling God how something isn’t fair, when He is the just judge of all.

    Thanks again Marcus. You put a tangible face on dealing with conflicts at work.

  3. Laura says:

    A very thoughtful post, Debbie, and one that has me thinking about my workplace. There are definitely places that I see Jesus working there. Others, well, I’ll just say we need more prayer. I like what Marcus says about praying for those who seem to be against us. I’ve been in that place before–needing that perspective. It helped change my heart to pray for those folks.

    Happy New year, to you and many blessings!

  4. DenaDyer says:

    Debbie, what a great article. I have had all different experiences in the workplace–some not so good and some excellent. I do think people praying makes a HUGE difference.

    Thanks for offering to pray–that’s amazing. I would love prayer that we here at CFS (Catholic Family Service) in Amarillo would be able to tap into “veins of influence” in the faith community to support the work we’re doing with refugees.

    BTW, I also enjoyed your article on HCB today. Keep up the good work!

  5. Debbie Simler-Goff says:


    Thanks so much for leaving such a thoughtful post.

    I am convinced that God uses the ups and downs of our jobs to whittle away at the rough places in us and teach us all about true servanthood.

    I too have had a wide array of workplace experiences but learned so much through each one.

    And yes, I will pray for a vein of influence to open up at CFS. As a matter of fact let’s pray right now:

    Oh Precious and loving Heavenly Father,

    How deeply concerned you are with all of humanity but certainly your ever watchful eye must be closely upon the refugees that CFS supports. Right now, in Jesus name I ask you transform the hearts and minds of every man, woman and child in Amarillo. Make them sensitve to the work that CFS is doing and raise up a following of faith filled believers who adhere to all of your word.

    And Jesus, bless my new friend Dena. Give back to her 100 fold for all she’s done and for the deep burden she carries for her ministry.

    In Your Most Precious Name, Amen.

  6. Muhammad Furquan says:

    Debbie! I just wanted to tell you to keep up the excellent effort, especially this blog. It’s very inspirational to read all that you have written about Christianity and more. I will continue looking forward to your posts in the future. Take care! – Muhammad

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