Christmas PRESSure and CHRIST in All

This time of year, most of us run out of time before we run out of things to do. There are presents to buy, cards to write, cookies to bake, parties to attend, and a myriad of other holiday responsibilities that can suck every ounce of Christmas spirit out of us. And, if we aren’t careful, we can become like an over-tired toddler and take our frustrations out on those around us. Especially those whom we intended to enjoy peace on earth and good will towards men with.

So what’s the answer?


Yes, Jesus.

No, Jesus isn’t going to iron your little one’s ruffles on her Christmas pageant dress. And no, Jesus isn’t going to stand in an endless line at Walmart, or stay up until 3 a.m. Christmas Eve wrapping presents.

But He will fill you with a deep abiding spirit of peace as you contemplate what gifts to purchase, and He will transform your vision so you can see the souls of the men and women around you as He sees them. He will soothe family strife that occasionally arises during the holidays.

How do I know this?

Because I know Jesus.

He’s a friend that sticks closer than a brother. (Proverbs 18:24)

Jesus loves you, and Jesus loves me. His greatest desire for both of us this Christmas season is to start each day by sincerely inviting Him into every nook and cranny of our lives.

If we will do this, Jesus will flood our homes with joy, peace, and harmony because that is one of the many benefits of living every day with Jesus.

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