Abide In Me

“Abide in Me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself unless it abides in the vine, so neither can you unless you abide in Me.“I am the vine, you are the branches; he who abides in Me and I in him, he bears much fruit, for apart from Me you can do nothing.-John 15:4-5

I have made it my habit to invite the Lord Jesus into every meeting, every conversation, and every project. Whether I am doing a Grief Recovery presentation to a group of 50, or working out the details of my schedule with my boss, I pause, pray, and acknowledge the sovereignty of God.

Yesterday was a prime example of this. I was giving a presentation on behalf of my new employer to a group of very important clients. To be honest, I was exhausted from my new job’s orientation process, and was not feeling particularly on my game. But it was a great opportunity for me professionally, so I agreed to do it.

The presentation was at 1pm at an off-site facility. I took my lunch break, and arrived 45 minutes early so I could meditate and pray on site. After nestling my car in a secluded place in the parking lot, I prayed.

“Father, I’m depleted. You know the week I’ve had, and how weary I am. Please be with me and help me. I don’t want to ever speak, or do anything without You by my side. Would you send your presence into that meeting room? Would you stand beside me? Would you send angels to sweep the room of any contrary spirits? Would you confuse the enemy’s attempts today? Would you let me be an epistle known and read today? You know the name of every person that will be in that room. You know how many hairs that are on their head, what thoughts they think, what fears they have. I wish I was presenting the gospel to them today. But nonetheless, will you be with me? Abide with me? Show Yourself strong?”

Within moments God’s presence filled my car, and I communed with Him in a precious heavenly language known only to Him. Instantly, my spirit and mind were refreshed, and I was able to present with the confidence, and assurance, that the Lord of glory was with me.

The rest of the story is that what was to be a tight 45 minute presentation became 90 minutes, because the attendees were so impressed, they lingered for an extensive Q&A. Then they invited me to come back again to speak to a much larger group of their peers.

All the glory is God’s. He anointed my efforts because I chose to abide with Him, and acknowledge Him in the middle of my work day.

Ponder This:

How many lives would you impact? How much better would your day flow? I challenge you to try it. Wherever you are, and whatever you have planned today, pray every step of the way, and watch and see what the Lord of Glory does… just for you!

0 thoughts on “Abide In Me

  1. Stefania says:

    I love this post! I have noticed this myself at work home to home all day. There is so much that comes with that, and bringing it to Jesus before the appointment makes the biggest difference! 🙂 He is definitely willing to step in and anoint if we make Him part of our day!

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