Affecting Others

“Walking with God down the avenues of prayer, we acquire something of His likeness, and unconsciously we become witnesses to others of His beauty and His grace.” -E.M. BOUNDS

Stop right now and write down the first ten people that come to mind.

Now, look at that list and write down which circles of your life they come from. Family? Friends? Co-workers? Neighbors?

These ten people, and if you had time to write down the next ten people and so on, are the souls that God has entrusted you to influence for His kingdom. Think about it. In Christ’s infinite wisdom, He planted you in the job you have, the home you live in, the community you raised your kids in, etc. This planting wasn’t by happenstance. God had a specific purpose in it all.

God knew, for example, that your best friend would need your unique giftings and personality traits to cope with life a little better. God also knew that if He had a pesky neighbor live nearby you, you would grow in patience and learn to lovingly serve them despite their small annoyances.

Do you see where I’m going with this? A very important part of living every day with Jesus is to recognize that He is involved in every part of our life and has ordered every detail.

So look around you today at the people God has chosen to be in your world. Thank God for them. Pray for them and let your light shine brightly for the cause of Christ. It is your duty, if you want to live every day with Jesus.

“Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.” (Matthew 5:16)

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