Balloon Boy Observations

It saddens me to think the lengths a parent will use a child to further it’s own agenda. The Balloon Boy incident is just one example:

Think of the exampled lessons in this incident:

  • Lying is okay
  • Pre-planned deception is acceptable
  • It doesn’t matter what it costs or who is distressed or hurt as long as I get my way.

I’m sure there’s more I haven’t thought of.

Fast forward 20 years and imagine Falcon Heene as an adult. A pattern of lying and deception could cause him to have trouble being a faithful mate or of becoming an employee with integrity or a parent that can be trusted.

My hope and prayer is that Falcon Heene and his siblings will have people in their lives who will teach them a better way. It’s the children that lose in situations like these. Long after Richard and Mayumi Heene have faded from the national scene, Falcon Heene and his brothers will no doubt struggle with when to tell a lie and when not to. And the fact that Falcon, and others like him, may grow up thinking telling untruths is okay is a very sad commentary on our world.

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