Christ’s Ears Alone

“My praying friend, continue to make known your desires to God in all things. It is when we can speak with one another about anything and everything that conversation really affords us freedom and relief. Let Him decide whether you are to receive what you ask for or not.” -O. Hallesby

This quote really speaks to me this morning. It’s been a challenging week for me as God has allowed me to be in situations that I can see He’s chosen to use to chisel away at some of the hard places in my heart.

God has been dealing with me heavily about pouring out my grievances to HIM ALONE to allow HIM TO DECIDE what’s best in my situations. I challenge you to try it – even for a week. It’s much harder than you can imagine. Every time you get bumped, or jostled in your spirit, instead of calling your motheror your best friend or your spouse… TAKE IT ALL TO JESUS AND NO ONE ELSE…. and then wait for HIS ANSWER or admonition.

I’m not there yet, but I have been trying to do this more and it’s amazing the depth of emotion I’m able to release in prayer. It is equally amazing how much the Holy Spirit speaks to me about the attitudes in my own heart that need to be adjusted.

How do you handle the injustices in life that come your way? Is your first response to you fall on your knees in prayer or to call some frail human to talk to about it? This struggle within ourselves is part of our humanity and part of living every day with Jesus.

“Let your requests be made known unto God…” Philippians 4:6

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