First Choice

She wanted to be with me more than running ahead with her sisters to play on the monkey bars that dotted the park’s walking path.

As we walked, we talked about everything from spelling tests to boys that chase her at recess. She intermittently held my hand and looked up at me with the kind of hero-admiration that only an 8-year-old can give.

I cherished the moment.

Once or twice in our hour together she bolted off to roll like a log down the hill or swing from the weeping willow trees. Mostly she just wanted to be my side, holding my hand, and giggling about this or that.

Her sisters, on the other hand, gave me a few token moments of attention but were much more interested in running and playing and swinging and climbing.

You might say it was their age that determined their interests. But I am not convinced. Mikayla – the one that stuck by me – is 8, her younger sister Mikensey is 5, and her older sister Michelle is 10.

No, I don’t think it was their age at all.

I think that Mikayla just wanted to be with me. She wanted my attention more than she wanted anything else.

Her wanting my attention more than other exciting options made me feel very special – and very loved.

It is a memory that is lodged not only in my mind, but in my heart.

That day Mikayla made me first choice.

I wonder if Jesus feels that way when we make Him first choice? When we choose Him above all of the other options in our lives?

Think about it.

When was the last time that praying or reading your Bible was the most important thing you were going to do that day?

How long has it been since you couldn’t wait to bask in His presenceor linger in the afterglow of prayer or wanted time with Jesus more than anyone else?

Consider the story of Mary and Martha as recorded in Luke 10 from the Holy Bible:

“38Now it came to pass, as they went, that he entered into a certain village: and a certain woman named Martha received him into her house.

39And she had a sister called Mary, which also sat at Jesus’ feet, and heard his word.

40But Martha was cumbered about much serving, and came to him, and said, Lord, dost thou not care that my sister hath left me to serve alone? bid her therefore that she help me.

41And Jesus answered and said unto her, Martha, Martha, thou art careful and troubled about many things:

42But one thing is needful: and Mary hath chosen that good part, which shall not be taken away from her.”(Luke 10:38-42)

Certainly, there are times when household chores and other obligations need to be done, but Jesus was saying that it was very good that Mary chose Jesus first and foremost… as should we.

As for Mikayla, later that week she spent the night with us, and we’d planned to spend the next day together – just a granddaughter and grandparent day. But her mom called and reminded her that she had been asking for weeks to go to a particular egg hunt in the park. ‘Did she still want to go?’ her mom asked.

“Let me think about it,” Mikayla said.

A full 10 minutes later, Mikayla decided to go to the egg hunt and forgo our day together.

10 minutes in an eight-year-old mind is a very long time. I felt just as special and deeply loved as I did that day in the park that she even paused to think about it. I mean, what is a grandmother compared to all out park district egg hunt?

I love Mikayla for loving me the way she does. I also want to love Jesus the with the same admiration and put Him at the top of my priority list, just like Mikayla did with me.

How about you?

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