“Fight the good fight for what we believe. Hold tightly to the eternal life that God has given you, which you have confessed so well before many witnesses. ” I Timothy 6:12

God impressed me in prayer this morning that in the Christian walk there are Gladiators and there are Spectators. There are those who wear the name Christian, who – metaphorically speaking – lie on their side eating grapes and watch with amusement those that are getting bloodied in the fight of faith.

Spectators are faithful attenders – they go to church. Spectators provide financial support – they are often tithes payers. But a Spectator will never get in the arena, never engage in hand-to-hand combat, and will only defend the faith if doesn’t cause them any pain.

Gladiators on the other hand are true warriors. They are the brave men and women of God who fought and, in some cases lost their lives both in the Colosseum in Rome during the height of Christian persecution, and still today on the mission field.

And then there are the Gladiators who may not shed actual blood, but who toil in prayer, sacrifice in ministry, and would die for their beliefs. Most Pastors are these kinds of Gladiators. Many Sunday School Teachers and Youth Workers know what it’s like to fight in the spirit for the souls in their care.

Many of us fight the good fight each and every day for those we love. We pray for them, serve them and show them the love of Christ at a personal cost to ourselves.

That is what being a good Gladiator is all about.
-Debbie Simler-Goff

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