God Delivered All

“…there was not one city too strong for us: the Lord our God delivered all unto us.” -Deuteronomy 2:36

God delivered all. Not part, but all. Not one city was too strong for the Israelites because the Lord their God was with them. God gave them different battle plans for different cities and as long as they obeyed the instructions God gave them they prevailed.

What battles are you facing today? What situations do you need God to instruction you in? In what areas of your life do you need the Lord your God to deliver all?

Apply the truths of Deuteronomy chapter 2 to the challenge that is before you. In fact, insert your specific need into verse 36 and say it out loud every chance you get until you believe it.

God Delivered All

“…there was not one FINANCIAL NEED too strong for us: the Lord our God delivered all unto us.”

“…there was not one FAMILY DIVISION too strong for us: the Lord our God delivered all unto us.”

“…there was not one HEALTH CRISIS too strong for us: the Lord our God delivered all unto us.”

“…there was not one WORK CONFLICT too strong for us: the Lord our God delivered all unto us.”

The God who sees all is so anxious to show himself strong on your behalf. Reach to him today! Tell him of your pain, your grief, your fears. Run to Him as confidently and surely as a toddler would to her father. He is standing there with arms wide open, read and willing to deliver all in your life.

Let’s Pray:

Precious Lord Jesus, you are the God who delivers all. You see our brokenness, our despair, our pain. You understand the weariness of our body and soul. Would you envelope my reader today? Would you encourage them,uplift them, and undergird them? Would you send your angelic hosts before them in the workplace, in their homes, and at the schools where their children attend? You are the God who sees! You are the God who delivers! We trust in you and run to your loving, protective arms. In Jesus name, Amen.

0 thoughts on “God Delivered All

  1. Debbie says:

    Thank-you Tammy for leaving a comment. It is so true isn’t it? We get so worked up about situations in our lives that we have no control over and all the while our Great God is waiting and ready to deliver us out of all of them. Bless you!

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