God Hugs

How would you like to have special favor with your boss? Or have unexpected resources fall into your lap? Or maybe you’d just like someone to advocate for you when the going gets tough.

All of these things are possible when you live every day with Jesus.

Take for example what happened to me today: I applied for approval to attend UMass to pursue a Journalism Certificate. (In order to receive tuition reimbursement – a company perk – one has to first have their course of study approved.) Admittedly, a pretty far-reaching expectation since they normally only pay tuition for those individuals pursuing a healthcare degree.

But writing is my passion, so I prayed about it and submitted the necessary paperwork to my boss. Although she was compassionate, she reiterated that company policy which states tuition reimbursement is only for those individuals pursuing a healthcare related field. So basically she was telling me not to get my hopes up.

Well, today my boss came to me with tears in her eyes and told me she couldn’t believe it, but my request was approved!

Amazing things like this don’t always happen to me, but when they do, I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that this is my Heavenly Father’s way of reaching into my world and giving me a great big hug, just like any earthly father would do. Perhaps, that is why the gospels twice record the following passage:

“If you then, being evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to those who ask Him!” (Luke 11:3 and Matthew 7:11)

These kind of wonderful things happen when we live every day for Jesus because we are His child. Now that doesn’t mean we won’t have hard times in our lives, because the Bible also says it rains on the just and unjust alike. But the difference between living every day with Jesus or living without Him is the difference between having someone on our side or being all alone.

Do you live every day for Jesus? If so, what God hugs have you recieved? Leave a post so that we all can have our faith increased and believe that more God Hugs are coming our way!

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