Does God Like What He Sees ?

“But Noah was different, God liked what He saw in Noah.” (Genesis 6:8)

God liked what He saw in Noah… I wonder, does God like what He sees in you? In me?

Did God like what He saw in me as I got ready for church yesterday morning? Did He like my attitude? My approach to my day? Did He like the content of my conversations? The thoughts and intents of my heart? Have I done or said anything recently that would make God say, “Debbie is different, I like what I see in her”?

And what about you?

Does God like what He sees in you? Has He been pleased with how you have handled your finances recently? Your friendships? Your work ethic? Is there anything about the way you live your life, that would prompt God to say, “your name, is different, I like what I see in him/her“?

Anyway, what kinds of things does God like?

Verse 10 of the same chapter about Noah gives us some insight:

Noah was a good man, a man of integrity in his community. Noah walked with God.”

A good man…

A man of integrity in his community…

A man who walked with God…

The Adam Clarke commentary explains further:

  • Noah was a good manwho gave all his due.
  • Noah was a manof integritywho was perfect in hisgeneration, who was in all things a consistent character, never departing from the truth in principle or practice.
  • Noah walked with God-he was not only righteous in his conduct, but he was pious, and had continual communion with God.

No wonder God liked what He saw in Noahsince Noahoozed with Godly virtues. He was steadfast, faithful, honorable, trustworthy, and respected in the community. He was the kind of man that others looked to and regarded because of the way he carried himself. And he got God’s attention too.

I want to be like Noah.

When others look at me, I wantthem to see goodness, integrity, and faithfulness. I wantthem to see an earnest, sincere heart that is trying to be like God. I wantthem to see love, kindness, and a heartfelt concern for my fellow man. I wantthem to see purity of intention and motive. I wantthem to see in me a deep conviction to follow and obeyGod’s word, and I want God to see it too.

I know that I will never be on the caliber of a Noah, but still, I want to live my life in such a way that the Jehovah El Roi – The God Who Sees, will take note of something in me that He likes which will cause Him to say that I am different.

Let’s Pray:

Jehovah El Roi, truly you are the God Who Sees. Lord, please let us know what you see in us, both good and not so good. We love you and, in return, want to honor you in all that we do. Search us, clean out anything in us that offends you in any way. Fill us full and overflowing with your holy spirit that we might become more like you. In Your Precious and Holy Name we pray, Amen.

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