E.M. BOUNDS once made this statement: “There’s no arriving at a high state of grace without much praying, and no staying in those high altitudes without great praying.”

Those words resonate with me. Just about the time I think I’m flowing in the love of Christ, somebody comes along and rocks my boat. Suddenly, they’re under my skin and making my life miserable.

There is a place where difficult people can’t touch you; I’ve been there before. But to get there – and more importantly to stay there – takes a lot of prayer.

I suppose it comes down to this: Would I rather struggle with the individual who’s frustrating me or struggle in prayer with my Lord? The obvious answer is with my Lord.

Oh, Jesus, make me so full of Your grace that nothing can drag me down.

“Who shall ascend into the hill of the Lord? or who shall stand in His holy place? He that hath clean hands, and pure heart.” Psalm 24:3-4

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