Gracious Speech

Be gracious in your speech. The goal is to bring out the best in others in a conversation, not put them down, not cut them out.” (Colossians 4:6)

Be gracious in your speech… Graciousgracious speech

What does gracious speech look like?

Sometimes, when I am trying to figure out what something means, I look at the opposite word. So in this case, think about what ungracious speech is like. As I have been on the receiving end of ungracious speech quite a few times in my life, I have some experience with this.

Ungracious Speech

-Harsh criticisms that make mincemeat of the heart.

-Snide, verbal attacks designed to belittle and destroy self-worth.

-Devaluing, degrading, or dismissal of another’s opinion.

Perhaps you could add a few more examples from your own experiences?

In my opinion, ungracious speech involves motive. It’s not just the words that are said, but the intent behind them. How and why something is said reveals much about the person speaking. The Holy Bible says that a person’s words reveal much about the condition of their heart:
“For a good tree bringeth not forth corrupt fruit; neither doth a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit. For every tree is known by his own fruit. For of thorns men do not gather figs, nor of a bramble bush gather they grapes. A good man out of the good treasure of his heart bringeth forth that which is good; and an evil man out of the evil treasure of his heart bringeth forth that which is evil: for of the abundance of the heart his mouth speaketh.” (Luke 43-45, KJV)

Ireally like The Message’s translation of this passage:

“You don’t get wormy apples off a healthy tree, nor good apples off a diseased tree. The health of the apple tells the health of the tree. You must begin with your own life-giving lives. It’s who you are, not what you say and do, that counts. Your true being brims over into true words and deeds.”

I love that last sentence. “Your true being brims over in true words and deeds.”In other words, what’s happening on the inside of me is revealed by what I say and do. That means if I want to have gracious speech, I need to make sure I have a gracious heart.

Scripture teaches that a gracious heart comes through prayer, Bible reading, the Acts experience of the infilling of the Holy Ghost, and the manifestations of the fruit of the spirit. (Acts 2:38, Galatians 5:22-23)

Gracious Heart

According to the Holy Bible, a gracious heart flows in:










So it stands to reason thatgracious speechshould be full of these attributes.In gracious speech, every word is seasoned with love and kindness, and every word thinks more of theone hearing than the one speaking.(Philippians 2:3)

Gracious Speech

-Always considers the heart of the other person and, when admonishment is needed, does so with the utmost kindness and gentleness.

-Seeks to build up the other person.

-Uses their words to let others know how much they are valued.

-Affirms others opinions. Shows respect, even when has a different viewpoint.

What other examples of gracious speech can you add to this list?

Let’s start the new year by being gracious. In our speech, in our actions, and in our heart.

“Precious Lord Jesus, we know that all goodness flows from you and, that in and of ourselves, we cannot be gracious at all. Please fill us full of your spirit today. Allow us to flow in love. To be kind and considerate. To see those around us through your eyes. Forgive us for our short tempers and ill wills. Help us to be gracious. In your Holy Name, Amen.”

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