Heroin’s Harness

I visited a friend yesterday who’s son died of a drug overdose. The shock and sense of loss hung thick in the air. Comforting the bereaved is never an easy task, but in this situation it proved even more challenging. The usual, ‘Oh he’s in a better place now’ was clearly not appropriate. So instead, I just sat close to her and talked about old times. We looked at pictures and swapped stories of his prior antics. I think the time we spent gave her some comfort.

But on the drive home, instead of sadness, I felt anger and a strange resolve welling up in me. ‘The Enemy and his hook of Heroin addiction will not have free reign in my circle of influence’ I determined. “I will do my part. I will use my gift of writing and the avenue of prayer to fight Heroin’s hypnotic sway.”

And then it all came together in my mind:

Over the summer the Lord Jesus has been dealing with me to pray specifically for the schools in my community and for my grandkid’s schools. I didn’t question the Lord’s request, but I didn’t give it any deep thought either. I just dutifully added the names of the schools to my prayer list. But now, I realize, part of this pull to intercede for the schools is to keep a shield of holy protection so the drug lords and demonic influence cannot prevail.

Thank you God for the awareness! I will pray diligently!

I will seek to support organizations that are already helping those with addictions or the families of those who’ve lost a loved one. One I’ve discovered already is http://www.celebraterecoveryonline.com/.

Will you join me? Share your stories or pray with me that we might stand together in Jesus name.

0 thoughts on “Heroin’s Harness

  1. Tammy says:

    I completely agree since I come from a family with a sister who is an alcoholic. Only by intercessory prayer and God’s intervention is she alive today living alcohol free as well as programs that are out there to help and encourage those that are bound. It started when she was 13 years old so I will bind together with you in prayer for these schools. God bless you, Sista! I love you, Tammy

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