His Glory – Not Mine

I’ve been thinking a lot about why I blog and realize my motives have changed quite a bit over these past many months.

At first, I blogged because I went to a Writer’s Conference and they said that all writer’s should have a blog to ‘build their platform’. So I jumped on the bandwagon with a gusto and posted mostly devotional type things and then some about my weight struggles etc. But the more I did it, the more it started to feel like I was striving to build a name for myself, ie ‘my platform’.

Now, I can’t speak for anyone else, but for me and my relationship with Christ, I need to make sure that my goals and purposes are about HIM, His glory, and not about me. Trying to minister while seeking my own agenda just doesn’t work.

So, what I’ve decided is that I’m going to post more often but it will be about many things – sometimes personal and sometimes professional – but hopefully always encouraging in some way.

If God is in this blog thing for me, then He will send me readers who feel the same way I do. So for now, this is a test, just to be myself and give you, my unseen friends whatever’s on my heart and watch and see what happens. 🙂

He must increase and I must decrease…”

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