Holiday Hangover

The holiday season is almost over. Wow, who can believe it? I’m overstuffed and overwrought with holiday hype. Don’t get me wrong, I love my family and our get-togethers.

But after all the hustle and bustle of preparing and the excited indulgences, I find myself longing for my normal routine. There’s comfort in the steadiness of the day to day. I like getting up at 5 a.m. and sitting in the softness of the early morning light. I enjoy the craziness of my job in Volunteer Management and look forward to my de-stress routine at the end of a long day.

So, I for one am ready to shake off my Holiday Hangover and get back to the normalcy of my crazy life.

Funny isn’t it? Before Christmas, we can’t wait for it to come. And now that’s it’s over, we collapse on the couch and are glad it’s over.

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