Homeless Beggers

Homeless beggars seem to abound in Chicago, and almost daily I encounter them. Being in hospice, we go where the patients are, and since death knows no tax bracket, I tend to end up in the not-so-nice neighborhoods more times than not.

This has never bothered me because it gives me a chance to meet and mix with some very wonderful people who have found themselves in less than wonderful living conditions, but whose spirit and resilience impress and inspire me.

But coming and going to these places there are beggars.

There have been times when they have come up to me at the drive in window of McDonald’s and asked me for money. More than once, I have been approached in a McDonalds while waiting to meet a client.

Every time I am approached, I am overcome with compassion and realize that were it not for the grace of God it could be me.

Every time I give them money.

Or I should say, I gave them money.


Until I was scammed.

Until I did some research and found out that many times these intersection beggars are scam artists that work in groups.

But what if?

What if the one in front me isn’t scamming and is in dire need?

What if they are part of the 25% of homeless people that are veterans?

What if they are an angel that I am entertaining unaware? (Hebrews 13:2)

What if they are one of the least of these? (Matthew 25:40)

What if?

I decided then that since I don’t know if they are legitimate or not; and since they pull on my heartstrings so much; and since I see them so often, I will make mini care packages to have on hand that I can give out.

I am totally open to suggestions on what to include in these care packages, but for now I have included:

-Belvita, a nutritious cookie
-Hand Sanitizer
-A Tract

This keeps the cost at a minimum; but, I believe, would meet a legitimate need.

So what do you think?

What would Jesus do?

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