I’m Good

Tears welled up in her eyes as she told me her problems.

Her son, a single dadwho livedin Arizona, had lost his job and was in the midst ofruthlesscustody battlefor his son, her only grandchild. He had no money and therefore no means to pay theattorney fees.She said her son’sex-wife had a violent temper and she was worried that her son would lose custody of her 5-year-old grandson because he couldn’t show proof of income.

If she could just get enough money to go to Phoenix to be with him, maybe she could help him bybabysitting her grandson. But even then, she said, she wasn’t sure if that would make a difference with the courts.Plus as she was still recuperating from knee replacement surgery and was unemployed herself, she had no money to give her son.

She was clearly distraught, and my heart ached for her.

After listening compassionately to her story, I felt compelled to offer her the only tried and true help I knew – Jesus Christ.

“I am so sorry for your pain.” I said. “What I do when I’m in difficult situations is pray to Jesus and invite Him into my troubles. I find that when I do that Heworks in waysthat makes things better. We could pray very quietly and discreetly right now, if you’d like.”

“No, I’m good, ” She responded.

She’s good?

She had just spent almost 30 minutes telling me over and over again that she didn’t know what she was going to do.

But she wasgood?

The reality was that she wasn’t good at all.

She needed Jesus. She needed His power, His might, and His divine intervention. She needed money – He has billions. She needed healing – He could have restored her to perfect health. She needed a miracle in the court system – He is the ultimate Judge who turns the necks of kings. But she said, “No thanks, I’m good.” Indoing so, she turned her back on Jesus.

Oh, how this experience grieves me! This conversation happenedover 5 years ago, and I have never forgotten the overwhelming sadness I felt as she turned way carrying the millstone of her problems with her.

Oh, God, teach us to cast all our cares on you! And show us how to pray for and reach to those who don’t know you.

What about you? Has anything like this ever happened to you? If so, how did you handle it? How do you think Jesus would handle it?

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