In Daddy’s Arms

This is a picture of my son-in-law holding my granddaughter as they go down the slide into our pool. As you can see, Mikensey, my granddaughter, is quite scared but willing to face what to her must have been sheer terror because her daddy was holding her safely in his arms.

Mikensey’s daddy is her hero. She follows him all around the house. If she’s been away on a sleepover at one of her grandparent’s house, it is her daddy’s arms she runs excitedly to, not her mommy’s (much to my daughter’s dismay).

Mikensey’s actions are understandable because she obviously feels totally at peace when her daddy’s around. Her little heart relaxes just because she knows he’s nearby; and, if anything happened, he’d be there to take care of it.

I think the Lord Jesus wants us to feel about Him the way Mikensey feels about her daddy. What dreadful unknown awaits you today? Are you anxious and fretting over circumstances that feel like your flying off the pool slide about to plunge into the deep?

Then relax and lean against your Heavenly Father’s chest – just like Mikensey did and know beyond a shadow of a doubt that Christ has His arms wrapped around you tightly and will never let you go – no matter how deep the water is!

“Then He took a little child and set him in the midst of them. And when He had taken him in

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