It’s About Souls

It’s about souls.

It’s not about me.

It’s not about you.

It’s absolutely and positively about souls.

Where are they headed? What is their eternal destiny? And what is my role and your role in helping them along their journey?

So many times – way too many times- I have gotten caught up in my own personal agenda or my own sensitivities and have totally forgotten this one simpleGod ordained focus:SOULS.

How easily we become self absorbed, offended. All too often, I have found myself ruminating a “What About Me?” mantra instead of an “It’s About Souls”.

Hurts, troubles, and trials come to all us. We have times when we feel slighted or taken advantage of. For some of us it’s harder than others. My base temperament is to be sensitive. This works for me, to where I am usually pretty in tune with people’s feelings. Occasionally, this works against me. Ifsomeone can look at me cross-eyed, I can get my feelings hurt. (Experience has taught me to not trust my easily-hurt feelings, but nonetheless they spring up within me. )

Just yesterday someone seemed to snip at me. I felt that momentary pain one gets when you feel slighted, discounted.But then I looked at my new friend who is just discovering Jesus and had come to church with me. She was so full of joy and excitement about Jesus. She felt such an awe and privilege to learn about Him, to get to know Him.

She was so overwhelmed by the love that Christ offered, I don’t think anyone could have offended her if they had wanted to.

And that is my point today.

I too need to remain that full. So full that all I see is Jesus and His kingdom purpose and nothing else. So I have decided to tape the words “It’s About Souls” to my bathroom mirror and anywhere else I think I might need it. My thinking is that the next time I get in a fluff because someone took the credit for my talents at work or was snotty to me or said something hurtful, instead of reacting – and even instead of boohooing to God in prayer about it- I will pause and remind myself:

It’s About Souls.

It’s not about me.

And it’s not about you.

It’s absolutely and positively about souls.

And that’s all that matters.

“And it is appointed unto man once to die, and after that the judgment.” (Hebrews 9:27)

“Go ye therefore and preach the gospel to every nation…” (Mark 16:15)

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