Jesus Doodled Me

I like to doodle faces. It occurred to me recently that Jesus doodled me. I doodle fat faces, skinny faces, round faces, square faces, tall faces, short faces, happy faces, and sad faces.

I honestly don’t know why I enjoy drawing faces so much, but I do. Maybe it’s because I enjoy meeting all kinds of people from many different walks of life, and these made up faces of mine somehow remind me of that.

Or maybe I’m just bored and drawing faces seems like the most entertaining thing I can do.

Whatever the reason, doodling duringa2-3 hour InterdisciplinaryTeamMeeting at workhas become a way for me to relax and pass the time, while still listening attentively to the nurses and doctoras they give theirreports.

So imagine my surprise when the Lord Jesus spoke to me at this week’s meeting just as I wasperfecting the afroon a sketch of a very thin faced man.

“I chose the shape of your face just as you chose his.”


“I carefully selected the texture of your hair, the shape of your ears, the length of your torso… just as you are choosing now how to fashion thecharacters that you are drawing… I knit you together in your mother’swomb. I fashioned you . Your days were numbered before even one had begun.” (Psalm 139)


To think that the Creator of the universe hand-drew every part of my being. He programmed my DNA, my skin tone, and body shape. He looked at me on the drawing board and decided that I needed high cheekbones and a laugh that fills the room. When He was done, it pleased Him.

It pleased Him.

My image – His idea of what I should look like, be like, pleased Him.

Funny isn’t it? When you consider the many different shapes, sizes, and temperaments of people there are in the world, yet the Lord Jesus carefully sketched each one. He doodled us in His imagination before we were even formed.

“… and in thy book all my members were written.” (Psalm 139: 16)

He created me for His enjoyment. His delight. Just as I created my doodle people, Jesus created me – and you.

So today, as you dress your doodled body andcomb your doodled hair, rejoice in your beauty, your giftedness, and your life’s purpose knowing that the Lord Jesus lovingly doodled every part.

What doodled parts of your life or physical body are you glad Jesus gave you?

Just for fun, what do you doodle? Or do you? If you do, upload a picture and share with us.

0 thoughts on “Jesus Doodled Me

  1. Debbie says:

    “First, I love your doodling, creative minds doodle. I also love people and when I look at each of them I always find it amazing how different we are. I hardly ever doodle. If I catch myself doing it I never paid attention to what I am drawing. Out of curiosity now I need to remember what I draw, for the fun of it. And it is amazing that our God made all of us and makes you wonder what was he thinking when he made identical twins. Just amazing.”

    -Yesterday at 6:11am

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