Jewish Jim

I just had an interesting conversation with a co-worker of mine, Jim*. We were sharing what we did to celebrate Easter this past weekend, and he mentioned he made Matzo Balls for his family. “Are you Jewish?” I gushed. “Yes, I am” he replied. I asked to shake his hand and told him how honored I was to know personally one of God’s favorites. He nodded his head sheepishly, and so I went on about how as a Gentile, I have such respect for the Jews and their special relationship with God. He seemed eager to discontinue to conversation and finally blurted out “I”m not a practicing Jew and my wife is Catholic and neither one of us goes to church!” I responded with “Well, still it’s an honor to know you my friend.” Then we changed the subject.

In reflecting on our exchange, a sadness came over me as I realized he has no idea of his true heritage. He’s a prince, the son of the King, and he’s living as a pauper. Then that scripture, “and such were some of you” washed over my mind.

So my prayer this morning is:
“Oh Gracious, loving Father of All, thank you for giving the Gentiles a chance in this world. But thank you more for allowing me to understand who I am in You. Please awaken all those around me to the reality of their royal heritage – especially my friend Jim. Amen.”

Scriptures For Further Study: Roman 11:16-18; 1 Peter 2:9; Romans 2:9-11

*Not his real name

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