I’m usually not one to have a pity party for myself, but for some reason this week I did. Maybe it was hormones, maybe it was too little sleep, or maybe it was too much me and not enough Jesus. Whatever the reason, my inner self was whining:
I don’t want to stay late at work – let somebody else do it.
So-and-so forgot my birthday – how could they hurt me like that?
I never have enough time to do the things I want to do.

All this self-pity came to a head yesterday morning during my morning prayer time. Feeling rather hurt and wounded from the week’s circumstances, I began by praying Psalm 42:5:
“Why art thou cast down o my soul? and why art thou disquieted within me? hope thou in God…”

Thinking God was sympathetic to my plight, I told God my whole sappy tale. But after a few minutes, it was clear He wasn’t buying it. Frustrated I opened my devotional book and read:
“Dew will never gather while there is either heat or wind… Many Christians do not recognize the importance of the heavenly dew in their lives…”

Ouch! Obviously, my agitated spirit was preventing the heavenly dew. The realization of this helped me to calm down and wait quietly for God’s direction. Within minutes, God reminded me of a conversation I had with my friend Sally*this week.

Sally and I were discussing work related stresses with another co-worker, when she looked at us and said; “Just get over it.” We tried to tell her it wasn’t that easy, but she gave us a wry smile, lifted her index finger, made a hurdle jumping motion with it, and repeated; “Just get over it.” We had a good laugh, and found ourselves using that simple hand gesture as a reminder to “Just get over it.”

Needless to say, I got God’s message loud and clear: “Just get over it.”

So I found myself with a choice. I could be miserable and keep feeling sorry for myself, or I could get over it and have a good day. I chose the latter, and joy flooded my spirit within moments.

Amazing isn’t it? Joy is a choice. Who’d have thought? From now on, I will choose joy whether I feel like it or not. What about you? What will you choose when the next obstacle comes your way?

0 thoughts on “JUST GET OVER IT

  1. Tammy says:

    God’s timing still amazes me more and more everyday. You are such a vessel for Him in your writing as well as your spirit. I was doing the same thing this week for different reasons, but your experience helps to minster to my soul. I too am chosing to have the joy that my soul longs for to give the strength that only Jesus can give. I love you and Happy Happy Birthday!! Love you, Tammy

  2. Pam says:

    Reminds me of an experience I just went through. We arrived at an Evangelist’s Quarters to find it filthy (went and bought our own sheets for the bed type filthy). On top of that, a cat had been there and left it’s hairs everywhere. I could hardly breathe! Needless to say, I was feeling pretty bad for myself as we were there for three days. Groan!

    However, after scouting the land (so to speak)I realized this pastor was doing his very best. I repented of my attitude and am so thankful the Lord gave me that wake-up call. That pastor will forever remain in my memory as an extremely kind man with an extremely kind heart. I found so much to admire about him once I looked byond…

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