A Little Step of Faith

My husband is in charge of the prayer list at church. He actually decided to call it the PCT list – short for Prayer Changes Things.So far, he has over 500 names and requests on the list.

It seems like such a simple concept doesn’t it? Write down a need, pray over it, and thenbelieve that God will do something about it.

He always does. The Bible tells us so, yet we often don’t pray enough about our needs or the needs of others.

Why is that?

Too much effort? Not enough time? Lack of faith?

Maybe it’s none of theseor maybe it’s all of these. I’m not exactly sure. But what I am sure of is that prayer or putting a request down on a prayer list can pay big dividends.

For example, some of the people onour localPCT list have been healed of cancer.Some have had their marriages restored. Some got a job after being unemployed for over a year. And all because they “made their requests known to God…” AND to their fellow believers.

Most of the time, all God wants is for us totakea little step of faith; offer up a prayer, read our Bible, or share the gospel witha friend. Occasionally, He mayask us to do something huge as He did with Peter when he had him jump out of the boat onto the water. But remember, Peter was destined be the rockon which God would build His church.

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