Loving Others

Good Morning and happy Friday! And what’s more, Happy Memorial Weekend!! I hope you will find much rest and relaxation this weekend whatever you do. 🙂

Just wanted to hop on here for a few minutes and share what’s on my heart today:

I’ve been meditating on I Corinthians 13 – you know the “LOVE CHAPTER”. I have to tell you that the more I contemplate it’s concepts the more convicted I am becoming. I honestly felt like I was showing the love of Christ on a regular basis but now I realize even on my best day I am offering only a shadow of what God intends. Below is a portion of 1 Corinthians 13 from The Message. I’ve put a few of my own reactions/short comings in parenthesis next to each line.

Love never gives up. (I give up dozens of times in dozens of ways. On myself and on other people)

Love cares more for others than for self. (I do this to a point, but when push comes to shove, I still press for my own way many times)

Love doesn’t want what it doesn’t have. (All I can say is OUCH!)

Love doesn’t strut,

Doesn’t have a swelled head,

Doesn’t force itself on others,

Isn’t always “me first,” (I struggle with this sometimes as I have a competitive nature. I’m an overachiever and like to “win”.)

Doesn’t fly off the handle, (I’ve mellowed with age, but still need work on this)

Doesn’t keep score of the sins of others, (I’m pretty good with this. Experience has taught me to let things go)

Doesn’t revel when others grovel, (Think, I’m pretty good with this one too)

Takes pleasure in the flowering of truth, (I do!)

Puts up with anything, (I don’t and need to work on this. Things irritate me and then I get mad and then… well you know how it is)

Trusts God always, (I’m fairly good with this)

Always looks for the best, (Sometimes I do…)

Never looks back, (I need work on this)

But keeps going to the end. (Yep, I do)

Okay, now it’s your turn. It’d be cool if you posted some of your comparisons to I Corinthians 13. But even if you don’t, take stab at doing it offline and see how you measure up. Trust me, it’s a real humbling experience.

Know I pray for you. I don’t know your name or even if you’re reading my blog unless you leave a post but I pray for God to bless all who happen by. Have a glorious day!


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