
I have always believed in the power of modest dress. God honors it and designed it as such because He understands our flesh nature. Besides, it is sign of submission and humility before God. My heart grieves every time I see a pre-teen girl wearing sexually alluring clothes. I don’t think they realize that they are losing their purity little by little by dressing this way.

I was appalled last year when I noticed one of my granddaughter’s video games had little virtual models wearing extremely risque clothes and singing and girrating in a definitely sexual manner. My grandauther was 12 at the time – TWELVE! But video games aren’t the only avenue that young women today are quietly being seduced. It’s in the toys, the comic books, the Saturday morning t.v. shows. Even once wholesome Miley Cyrus has ‘grown up’ supposedly and is now modeling what I consider to be a very unwholesome image.

One of my Facebook friends posted this video recently that sums up very well my opinion on this topic. I know this post is very different from what I normally write about, but I feel so passionate about it that I just had to share it.

Besides, taking a stand on important issues is also a very important part of living every day with Jesus.

P.S. I came across this very cool BLOG that I may put as one of my favorites after I can check it out more. But for now, see what you think. It’s written by a Dannah Gresh, a mom who cares a lot about the dressing down of our young women.

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