Monday Musings: FORGIVENESS

It’s a Monday Morning and duty calls, but I am thinking of all of you – my faithful readers. I only have a minute but wanted to jump on here and let you know that once again this week I have been drawn to meditating on 1 Corinthians 13. My spirit must need to be convinced of the truths embedded there. Actually, I KNOW my spirit needs to be convinced of this because there are a couple of people in my life who have wounded me deeply that I am still having a hard time feeling all warm and fuzzy about.

Don’t get me wrong, I am kind to them. I don’t speak ill of them. I do my best to speak well of them or not at all. So on the surface ‘all is well’, but deep down, in the core of my being I know that if I ever lost my mental faculties like through Alzheimers or something, there is still that hard place in me towards them.

The hurt was deep that they inflicted and it’s ongoing. Therefore the scab keeps getting ripped off, and I bleed afresh.

Yet I know there is a place in God that can heal all hurts no matter how deep. I know because I’ve experienced that kind of healing with someone else who crushed my inner being. So if I know this then why isn’t it any easier this time around?

I think the answer is because the process remains the same each time with each hurt. It has been my experience that emotional healing and forgiveness come only by applying large doses of the Holy Writ and determining to obey its truths no matter how one feels. Then eventually your emotions fall into line and suddenly you realize the pain is gone.

I think Mother Theresa put it best. Rumor has it she had the following on her bedroom wall:

People are often unreasonable, illogical and self-centered;


If you are kind, people may accuse you of Selfish, ulterior motives;


If you are honest and frank, the truth may be dangerous for you;


If you find serenity and happiness, they may be jealous;


The good you do today, People may criticize you for an ill-will often forget tomorrow;


Give the world the best you have, and it may never be enough;


You see, in the final analysis, it is between you and God;


0 thoughts on “Monday Musings: FORGIVENESS

  1. Vlatka says:

    LET GO…
    (Debbie, I love your choice of words, and that you can write amazingly good in “a minute” or your squeezed time before leaving for work. In my case it usually takes an hour to post something on my blog.)
    LET GO…
    (Thank you for sharing wise advices of Mother Theresa. She says it all: it’s not about them anyway. Forgivness is yours and forgivness cannot change others, but only us. God is forgiving and full of mercy, but if one does not realize God’s character one stays unchanged. I thank God that I was not deeply hurt in my life (and I hope this blessing continues), because I don’t know how would I deal with it.)
    LET GO…
    because Somebody loves us, and His love is all that matters.

  2. Vlatka says:

    Debbie, the part where I wrote: “God is forgiving and full of mercy, but if one does not realize God’s character one stays unchanged.” is not about you not knowing Jesus, because you do. It is more about someone who is not saved and does not know that God forgave our sins and said: “IT IS FINISHED” so we don’t have to think that it is our good works, and our own forgiveness but GOd’s. We sacrifice only the best to Him.
    Debbie, you really got me thinking here, sorry for this huge comment. Thank you for being so devoted to your readers.

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