“My prayer life must be brought entirely under the control of Christ and His love. Then, for the first time, will prayer become what it really is, the natural and joyous breathing of the spiritual life, by which the heavenly atmosphere is inhaled and then exhaled in prayer.”Andrew Murray

This quote resonates with me. I inhale the beauty of God’s goodness in my morning prayer. If I linger long enough to really connect with Him, I face the day with a lightness of spirit and a renewed love for my fellow man. With the softening of morning prayer, I am more able see past my co-worker’s challenging dispositions and love them unconditionally. Prayer in the morning sets the stage for this.

And then, once the stresses and trials of the day have accumulated, I find myself in need of an evening detox before the Lord. It is in my evening prayer that I empty myself of all the spiritual impurities that have attached themselves to me. Then and only then am I able to lay my head down in sweet rest.

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