My Precious Readers- You Matter

Good Morning My Precious Readers! Today, my heart is full because of your kind words and responsiveness. Your post clicks, shares, and comments minister to me. They affirm my calling to be a Paper

So today, I just want to bless you. I pray for you often and think about you frequently.

As I go about my work day, I look at the world around me and wonder what messages the Lord Jesus will whisper to me that I might be able to write about to minister to you.

Sometimes, someone will say something or do something, and I ponder what I could write that would help them draw closer to Christ.

So much of the time, we get caught up in a certain way of thinking that may not be conducive to spiritual growth. This is what Brother Eli Hernandez calls the “logical mind barrier.”

Through our reading, watching, and conversations, we develop certain views on things that either help us move forward in our walk with the Lord Jesus or hinder us.

My writing is one way to help us keep our thinking on a strong, spiritual path. Your responses excite me and motivate me to continue to “paper preach”.

So today, on this cold, wintery Thursday morning, my prayer for you is as follows:

Precious Lord and Savior,

Please bless my readers. Strengthen them as they go about their day. Undergird their every step so that they are able to have sure footing and a clear mind. Empower them to make decisions and choices that honor you. Grant them peace with anyone that is contrary today and give them supernatural favor with all who are in authority over them.

Cultivate in their heart a deep abiding love for You and Your kingdom. Save them from their own shortcomings. Protect them from their own opinion. Help them. Support them. Back them up in every way all day long.

Teach them to never, ever forget that you are with them, and that you abide with them as much as they will allow it.

Grant them joy in every task that they seek to accomplish today.

Bless their health, their finances, and their relationshipsand continue to lead and guide them into all truth.

In Your Precious Name,


(Love, love, love you all!! You really will never truly understand how very much you mean to me. God bless you!! )

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